Each year I resolve to do many things. Unfortunately, as so many resolutions do, they fall to the wayside. Some resolutions survive the entire year, others make it to about July then wither...and even more (hangs head in shame) barely make it into February.

More embarrassingly, or perhaps I am merely human, I do have perennial resolutions.

Health ones (move more and eat less).

Home ones (get some bloody things done and finished!)

And each year I strive....attempt...pretend that I can keep my desk tidy.

Each year I work at it. I spend hours moving things, putting pieces of paper in the bin, replacing books back in the bookshelf, becoming lost as I reread something I've been working on.

At the end of said hours I have something that looks like this.

However it doesn't last long. After only a few hours some chaotic whirlwind has deposited an unpaid bill...a reminder of necessary equipment for a children's program.....a phone number on a piece of torn paper.

My desk looks more like this.

To my shame, I allow it to remain.

And in time, more 'stuff' is added.

Puppets I use in storytimes....a DVD to return....a Christmas CD....Snoopy notepaper....craft activity for Explorer club this year.....my just washed Tinies Bear.

It is no longer neat and tidy. In fact it begins to look like chaos.

HOWEVER...in this chaos I work well. This is not to say that in a more tidy and neat environment I would produce more...I most probably would. Or would I?

I am the first to admit that I am NOT a neat freak.

I clean, and most some days the house is presentable. Let's just say that I don't live in filth.  And sometimes the dust bunnies tumbling through the house are the size of small mice but....

I do know where things are (most of the time)

It works for me and I've finally (after how many years!) have come to the understanding that this is me. To change would be like asking me to get up at five in the morning to write.

NOT going to happen.

I am not an early bird...I am not an owl...I'm one of those contented doves that like the daytime. Softly cooing in the trees.

My desk is cluttered. It would drive a lot of people crazy! (and actually my desk at work is very much like this) but this is who I am.

And let's face it....

So, after a lot of years, one of my resolutions is NOT to have a perfectly clean and tidy desk.

Huge sigh of relief.



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