20, 078 days .....

I've just had a birthday. Not one of those big ones that end in a zero, although this did end in a 5 so half way to a big zero one. And although I know exactly how old I am, and some days I really feel that old or even older, other days and I swear I have the mind of a teenager.

Looking at it mathematically...I have lived for over 20 000 days. I have had roughly 28, 908,000 minutes. And frankly a lot have been wasted  misused perhaps.

However I have lived in interesting times. The year I was born JFK was assassinated (don't remember a thing about it).  I was 6 when man walked on the moon (ditto about not remembering seeing it). In those days not everyone had a television...and those that did saw everything in black and white.

I grew up watching Mr Squiggle, Adventure Island, Bellbird and Homicide.

Colour TV wasn't in Australia till 1975...and once again...not everyone could afford a colour TV.

We grew up eating Kraft cheese that came in a big blue block...in summer we loved iced Sunnyboys, Glugs and Razzs. We drank Tang and TAB. Spam was on the menu...and for fancy events we had squares of cheese and coloured pickled onions on cocktail sticks.

Mobile phones were not invented. Everyone had a land line, without push buttons.

My childhood was lived outside. We rode imaginary horses, made mud pies, made bows and arrows, played cowboys and Indians.

Imagination was our best toy. We could be anyone, do anything. We sailed to wondrous lands, fought dangerous beasts and often returned to talk about it.

During my teens I had a crush on David Cassidy and The Bay City Rollers (yes I'm admitting this). Then I discovered Alice Cooper and David Bowie. It was a time of Blue Light Discos' and the Marlboro Man.

A lot has changed in those 20 000 days of my life. I've loved people, I've lost people. I've married and become a mother, become a grand mother. I've learnt a hell of a lot, grown in confidence and hopefully knowledge.

In reality, apart from some great memories, there is a wealth of fodder. So much to use for writing. Whether it's a setting or timeline, an era I'm trying to capture...or whether it's an emotion I'm trying to put into words. It's all there. I just have to dive in and grab it. I think there's enough writing material for several novels.

Sometimes I feel that I spent a lot of my childhood (and PE classes in high school) making daisy chains.

And I've come to the realisation that theres not a thing wrong in that.


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