This year has been a bit of a doozy. A lot of obstacles have popped up, some avoidable (accepting bigger work load and more hours)..some unavoidable (death of family member). So without me noticing it, March has arrived. Summer is gone and we have autumn, and not a lot of writing has been done.

But here we are and I'm determined to get myself organised and on focus. I have made a goal sheet for 2018, which is a great start. It only has two things on it but heh, they are two BIG things and hopefully  I intend to get them done.

 Last night I attended my YA / Children's writing group. What an inspirational group! Just when I needed a pick up, a kick up the pants (please supply any number of cliches) I was reminded of what can be achieved with lots of hard work.

Fellow member Pauline  is about to launch her second book in her Cinnamon Stevens series.

There will be a launch at Belgrave Library, Tuesday 10th April 2pm.  Copies can be purchased at the launch, through Pauline's site or via  Dennis Jones.

It's a great reminder of what can be achieved. In the group we love seeing how a book grows. From small idea to words on a page. Then we see the chapters, they are critiqued and workshopped, we see more chapters. Notions and plot ideas are discussed, synopsis and cover letters are written, marketing ideas are wrangled. Then we hold the finished product in our hands...AMAZING.

Another of our group had four board books published late last year.

Kylie's books can be purchased here via her site.

How good do they look! And such fun...already read all four to my grandchildren.

Sometimes this is what we need to be surrounded by. People who are getting things done. This is what my writing groups are all about. Inspiration and motivation.

I know there will be more obstacles ahead. Some I can avoid, others unfortunately I'll have to find a way to go around, under, over, or even take a totally different route to where I'm going...but it can be done. Everyone has obstacles. Things that stop us, make us doubt our abilities and our talents.

But when we are inspired, it's time to make the most of it. To keep on.
And hopefully get something done before we realise it's spring!



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